I created this blog for work, but plan to utilize it more significantly, not just for the tasks for LFPLs 23things, but for other work-related things such as ideas for storytimes and programs and book reviews.
Google is one of the world's most popular search engines and its logo is becoming nearly as recognizable as McDonald's golden arches. (More specifically I speak of their "normal" logo, when they haven't redesigned it for specific holidays. I had a friend who collected "Googles" and printed them to make a collage. I found this hobby to be quite interesting!) Within the past 5 years or so, it has blossomed into much more than a search engine with free online "services", the most recognizable being Google Docs, Google Maps, Google Earth, and Google Books. There are also Google programs that very few people have likely heard of including Google Wave (a file/presentation/game sharing and collaboration program that I think they don't even know what EXACTLY it can be used for) and Google Voice, a program that allows two separate telephones to be reached by dialing only one number. [This has proven to be beneficial to my husband and myself because we don't have a land line. We use it as our "home" number so either one of us may be contacted on our cell phones by giving the one number.] iGoogle is also a very fun and interesting aspect of Google that I enjoy because it's my one-stop-shop for email, stocks, calendar, to do list, news, weather, and tetris. :)
Google has even broken into the mobile phone world with their Android operating system, which is the biggest rival to Apple's iPhone. As an Android owner, I feel that the Android is a smoother operating system, but I could be bias. There are even rumors that they are making their own operating system for computers that will give Microsoft Windows, Mac, and Linux a true run for their money.
Personally, I find Google Docs to be extremely helpful because my computer did not come with Microsoft Office and I am frankly too cheap to purchase it when there are excellent free programs out there. The documents that I create with Google Docs are generally compatible with Office, with only slight formatting issues that can be corrected in minimal time. I feel that this would also be beneficial to patrons for the same reason...the high price of Microsoft Office.
I also love Goggles Picasa photo storage/editor. It has some amazing editing features that are beyond the default Microsoft Photo Editor. The editing features are not as advanced as PhotoShop or something of the like, but for people just wanting to do basic editing such as cropping, color changing, etc., Picasa is perfect. I only wish that they would add a print ordering service to their editor, which would be perfect. This program could be helpful to some patrons for basic photo editing and storage.
Google Maps and Google Earth are also programs that I use very frequently. I love that Maps allows you to see the street view, pick the best walking route, or even the best public transportation route. Earth is an excellent "time-waster" to just get lost looking at various places, or maybe even try to build buildings or add your own pictures. Google Earth also let's you build your own customized maps where you can add pictures from travels or just map out routes that you have taken before and save them. My husband and I have an ever changing map of where we travel to, complete with pictures from the exact locations where we were standing or having dinner. I think that patrons could use Maps for it's basic directions feature in addition to some of the more advanced features.
One Google program that I feel could be beneficial to patrons that I don't personally use on a regular basis is Google Books. One of the best things I like about Google Books is being able to browse free eBooks to download. Since eReaders are becoming much more prevalent in today's society, this is an excellent feature of Google Books.
After perusing Google Patents, Google Scholar, and Google Uncle Sam (Google programs which I didn't know existed), I also feel that these programs would be very beneficial to patrons as well. Especially the patrons who aren't as "search savvy" as others. These programs would give more narrowed search results than just searching through Google.
Google is definitely a household name and has even become a generic word for searching. (People say "Let me Google that" even if they're not using Google, similarly to how people say they drank a Coke even if it was a Pepsi). Googling yourself, a prospective boyfriend or girlfriend, or even a prospective employee has become prevalent in today's society. As far as Goggles reach extends over the Internet and mobile phone world, I estimate that it will only continue to grow in the coming years!
I wish I could get that kind of use out of Google Voice. The problem for me is that I work in a different area code from where I live. So it's hard to have a universal number that forces half of my life to make a long-distance call to reach me. Someday...